• If the piston or piston pin is replaced, replace the piston, piston pin and the snap ring as a single component.
1.Measure the piston pin outer diameter using the micrometer. Measurement positions total eight and are in the X and Y directions, at four points (A, B, C, and D) as shown in the figure.
Standard piston pin outer diameter
20.995—21.000 mm {0.82658—0.82677 in}
2.Measure the piston pin hole diameter using the caliper gauge. Measurement positions total eight and are in the X and Y directions, at four points (A, B, C, and D) as shown in the figure.
Standard piston pin hole diameter
21.004—21.008 mm {0.82693—0.82708 in}
3.Calculate the clearance between the piston pin hole diameter and the piston pin outer diameter.
• If it is not within the specification, replace the piston or the piston pin.
Standard clearance between piston pin hole diameter and piston pin outer diameter
0.004—0.013 mm {0.0002—0.0005 in}
4.Measure the inner diameter on the small end of the connecting rod using the caliper gauge in the X and Y directions as shown in the figure.
Standard connecting rod small end inner diameter
21.002—21.013 mm {0.82686—0.82728 in}
5.Calculate the clearance between the inner diameter on the small end of the connecting rod and the piston pin outer diameter.
• If it is not within the specification, replace the connecting rod or the piston pin.
Standard clearance between connecting rod small end inner diameter and piston pin outer diameter
0.002—0.018 mm {0.00008—0.00070 in}